Saturday, March 17, 2012

Balancing Act

It's been awhile since I last wrote, essentially as I am struggling again with work/life balance.  I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm actually failing, and that lately it's been all work and no life.

After starting off well in January, my crafting has been dwindling, though I got some mojo back last week, and have finished my version of the Casu Cowl, have made some further headway on my Diagonal Lace Socks and am halfway through completing a Vintage Allure Beret.

Pics will follow sometime in the near future, as last weekend we had the unfortunate experience of being burgled, so I currently have no means of taking photo's. 

A big thank you to the lovely Sonia and the Richmond Knitters for helping me to keep my sanity in the first couple of days after we had been robbed.  Sometimes I think the bad things happen to highlight all the really good things in your life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hobby vs Business

Recently, people have been asking me why I don't set up a business selling my items, or alternatively, if I can make them something, which I have declined to do.

Firstly, because I got back into knitting as a way of creating some work/life balance - knitting on demand would turn my crafting into another job, and would take away some of the pleasure that I get from the process.

I also mainly knit for myself. When I do make something for someone else, it's because I have chosen to. Perhaps if I was a faster knitter, then I could justify using some of my precious knitting time on making items to sell, but instead I prefer to use what time I do have to make things either for myself, or for someone special.

If it was viable, then of course I would love to make some extra money from something that I love doing. But until someone finds a way to add at least 10 more hours to every day, then I'll stick with what I'm doing.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 Wrap Up

2011 has now been and gone.

There were some large and small changes throughout the year.

I made a concerted effort to get out more and spend time with people who enhance my life. I managed to attend most of the Richmond and Kensington SnB's, and love the group of friends that I'm establishing through these.

22 projects were finished during the year, and I made my first sweater and socks.

I attended Knit Camp in Daylesford, attended the Bendigo Sheep and Wool show, and Vogue Knitting in LA, and definitely want to continue to attend knit/crochet retreats and conferences.

My role at work has also changed, and I have made a promise to myself that I will not let work rule my life this year. As a result of this promise, I have also made a commitment to myself that I will find time for crafting at least 5 times per week.

Hopefully, that means many more finished objects for 2012!